This program is for Getting To Know Your Data (GTKYD). Provide a list of datasets, and this program will check their header (and possibly a few data) properties. Properties are checked with 3dinfo, nifti_tool and 3dBrickStat.
This program creates the following useful outputs:
A compiled spreadsheet-like table file, for reference, with 1 row per input dataset and one column per measured property. This is actually made using (name: OUT.xls)
For each item checked, there will also be a detailed report file (N lines of data for N input datasets) (name: OUT/rep_gtkyd_detail_*.dat)
For each item checked, there will be a “uniqueness” report file, which will have 1 line of data for each unique value present across all input datasets. So, if there is only 1 line of data, then that property is consistent across all dsets; otherwise, there is some variability in it. (name: OUT/rep_gtkyd_unique_*.dat)
For each input dataset, a colon-separated dictionary of basic properties. These can be further queried with (name: OUT/dset_*.txt)
- auth = PA Taylor (SSCC, NIMH, NIH, USA), but no doubt also including
the valuable insights of RC Reynolds and DR Glen
-infiles FILE1 [FILE2 FILE3 ...]
:(req) name of one or more file to input
-outdir ODIR :(req) name of output "report directory", for more the
reports of details and uniqueness of each property.
-do_minmax :include dataset min and max value info, which can be
slow (uses '3dBrickStat -slow ...' to calculate it
-id_keeps_dirs N :keep N directories (counting backward from the
input filename) as part of the 'subject ID' field;
default is to only keep the prefix_noext of the input
filename (i.e., N=0). This can be useful if the paths
encode useful information to identify subject infiles.
-overwrite :overwrite any preexisting outdir and corresponding XLS
-help, -h :display program help file
-echo :run very verbosely, by echoing each part of script
before executing it
-hist :display program history
-ver :display program version number
-verb VVV :control verbosity (def: 1)
-show_valid_opts :show valid options for this program
1) Basic example, running on a set of EPI: \
-infiles group_study/sub*/func*/*task*.nii.gz \
-outdir group_summary
2) Include (possibly slow) min/max info, and check anatomical dsets: \
-infiles group_study2/sub*/*T1w*.nii.gz \
group_study2/sub*/*T1w*HEAD \
-do_minmax \
-outdir group_summary2
... and any of these might be usefully followed up with (querying the dset*.txt files in the outdir),
to find subject datasets that have certain properties. For example: \
-infiles group_summary/dset*txt \
-report_outliers 'nv' VARY \
-report_outliers 'orient' VARY \
-report_outliers 'ad3' LT 3.0